This week on Talk Learn Connect, Writer Yvonne Reddin asks Broadcaster and Journalist Lorraine Keane to share some TLC (Talk Learn Connect)
You studied Broadcasting and Journalism at Ballyfermot College and you were drawn more to the broadcasting/presenting side. Did you enjoy the writing side of Journalism and have you written anything or are you writing now?
I have always liked performing. I was the first to put my hand up in school in singing class and I always wanted to study drama.
Unfortunately being a child of 7 there were no after school activities so I had to make do with improvisations at home with my very large family as my audience (laughs).
I tried to get into Trinity College Dublin Drama Degree but with absolutely no formal training or experience only made it to the last 100.
I also love writing and devour news daily. It was my best friend Ali- we are friends since we were 4 years old - found the broadcasting & journalism course for me.
It seemed to play to my passions and strengths so I thought I would give it a go.
I absolutely loved it especially presenting on camera, from there I auditioned for AA Roadwatch and it all went on from there.

What beauty treatment/essential have you missed the most in isolation?
My hairdressers Dylan Bradshaw definitely. Apart from it being a necessity, the team are like a little extended family to me.
I miss the company of all these talented young people and the pampering too.
You have a deep connection to charities like Trocaire and World Vision and have visited the countries that benefit from these charities. How do you feel when you return from these poverty-stricken countries?
I have done ten trips in ten years across the developing world. They are very difficult trips to do and they don't get any easier but I always try to look for the positive in everything. Knowing I am helping to improve their lives gets me through it especially in the weeks when I come back.
I focus on getting as much publicity for the charity to increase awareness of the families I met who are struggling to survive. I have access to media and to the public - it is very important to me to use my profile to share these stories, which helps to raise funds and save lives.
Fashion Relief like most events was cancelled this year because of Covid -19, do you feel life will be different now in the future for such events like this?
I am using the time to get my fundraising initiative for Oxfam, Fashion Relief, on line. This will turn Fashion Relief into a global fundraiser which potentially will make it even bigger - every cloud....
The families I met in the largest refugee camp in the world last December need us now more than ever... and when people are not earning obviously charities suffer the most..
It is not their fault they live where they live, they were just born in a place that has an extreme climate and as a result more natural disasters per annum. They cannot leave, they cannot afford to and even if they could, risking their lives, the world has shown how they are not wanted in most countries. It is very sad.
We are the lucky ones. We owe it to them. We have to help those living in extreme poverty. We have so much and they have so little- some nothing at all.
I don't think we should have a choice.
“We in the developed world have caused the most damage to our planet yet it is those living in the worlds poorest countries who are suffering the most”
Can you share any words of wisdom that helped you in your successful career?
I always tell my girls 'a smile and good manners will get you through life' I've added - 'and education is important too' in more recent times now they are teenagers.
Be kind and considerate to others, treat others how you would like to be treated. And count your blessings.
I count my blessings every day for my healthy babies and wonderful family.
It's all that matters in the end.
Follow Lorraine on Instagram @lorrainekeanedevlin