This week on Talk Learn Connect, Writer Yvonne Reddin asks Visionary Consultant Wendy Stunt, to share some TLC (Talk Learn Connect)
Can you explain what a new customer can expect from a Visionary Consultant and how you utilise your knowledge to assist businesses/clients?
For me, it's all about seeing something that is transparent to me that a client doesn’t see. My clients are amazed when my vision and analysis are put in front of them and they then recognise what part of their business needs to be adjusted.
It can sometimes be as simple as changing social media platforms, outsourcing to a graphic designer and perhaps an introduction to a contact I have that may be beneficial to both clients.
People who know me, know I love connecting people and more importantly I love to hear what people are doing and where they need help. The networking side to the business is as important as doing your accounts. If you don't network, how will people know what you do?
I have built up a vast contact network that has taken me years. I went to many networking events and got to know people from all professions and that contact base is part of my business now.
But, you know I can't give away all my secrets 🙂 You will have to hire me to see how I can enhance your business..
"I'm a firm believer in 'Being Stronger Together'"