This week on Talk Learn Connect, Writer Yvonne Reddin asks Digital Marketing Consultant and Trainer Jill Lush of Lush Marketing, to share some TLC
Can you share a summary of your career to where you are currently?
I studied Business and Marketing in DCU and loved the marketing subjects. I knew that I eventually wanted to work in the marketing area. I also completed the Graduate programme in AIB and thought I’d stay there for six months but left seventeen years later!
I worked for my final five years in Group Marketing and found my love of working with businesses as I worked in the Business propositions area. I was involved in the development of the business website for AIB and the AIB Startup Academy in conjunction with the Irish Times.
"When I left AIB in 2017, I started studying my PostGrad in Digital Marketing with the Digital Marketing Institute. That same year, I had my little girl"
I was juggling study, starting a new business and being a mum to a newborn.
I am currently working with small and medium businesses, mentoring and training this sector in marketing. I also provide marketing strategy and marketing outsourcing services.

What do you consider when developing marketing strategies and training for SME’s?
Definitely their target customer
Their brand values
Their strengths and weaknesses
A situation analysis
Competitor analysis
In your experience, what do businesses not take notice of more, in terms of marketing, that is vital for their business?
For me when I am the outsider looking in, it is often that they are not taking enough notice of their ideal customer.
Who do they currently work with or want to work with that will bring them in regular income?
Which types of customers do they need to concentrate on more? I see this lacking in lots of businesses.
The basics of a marketing strategy are often missing from a business, there are great plans but no context of competitor analysis etc.
Is there a person or multiple individuals, that you admire and think that they are way ahead of the global market and have a unique vision?
In terms of businesses, I admire companies like Amazon for their customer centricity and Lego for their timelessness.
Coca Cola and the larger brands interest me but I also love watching Irish brands like Keoghs growing from strength to strength.

Can you share any words of wisdom that you received that helped you in your successful career?
To always be true to myself. There is no point in being something or someone that you’re not. Always be authentic.
Jill can be contacted at www.lushmarketing.ie
Linkedin - www.linkedin.com/in/lushjill