Can you share any words or any acts of kindness that you received that helped you during your treatment and recovery?
There are so many moments during the campaign that stands out for me and too many people to mention.
But one act of kindness really touched my heart and changed my life. A friend that went to school with my husband, her name is Loretta Whelan had seen the campaign on Facebook and offered to do reflexology on me to help me relax and unwind.
I didn’t know at the time that we would become great friends. It was really life-changing, she really helped me heal and repair. I loved and looked forward to my treatments every week. She also did Reiki and Workshops. She was so selfless and so giving and is an incredible healer and life coach.
I loved it so much I decided to go back to college at night time and I qualified as a reflexologist myself and I’m also qualified in Reiki level two - both fantastic treatments.
She introduced me to the power of the mind and the ability we have to heal our lives and the ripple effect it can have on everyone around you. It raises your vibration.
I also received anonymous donations and I will never forget that first week when friends called to hand me money, it was so humbling. I’ll never forget who they were and often its people that you don’t expect. The I love you cake that Karen made for me and the going away party. I found it so hard to hold back the tears before we left for Russia. I will never forget that.
I’ll never forget my first Stemmie present a pal sneaked into Bernard’s case. All the beautiful good luck and get-well cards, just so many to mention and the keep the faith one-liner from Benny.
All these gestures, I will never forget, they mean so, so much.
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